OFEC Screwer

New OFEC Screwer – Maximum positioning precision and processing speed 

OFEC s.r.l. and OSAIcnc once again together to develop the new OFEC Screwer – CNC SCREWING MACHINE.

This machine screws automatically, quickly and precisely Bakelite panels onto MDF panels. It can be configured to screw pieces of different materials and sizes, according to customer requirements.

The fully automated process is controlled by the OPENcontrol CNC that manages the motion of the three axes motion through Delta Electronics Drives & Motors supplied by OSAIcnc.

OFEC Screwer means maximum positioning precision and processing speed. A complete solution equipped with Industry 4.0 features.

WEBSITE: www.ofec.it
CITY: Baccinello Grosseto
OSAICNC SOLUTIONS: OPENcontrol, DELTA Electronics motor

OFEC s.r.l. and OSAIcnc once again together to develop the new OFEC Screwer: a successful and ongoing partnership.

Fabiana Ferrari

Administration Officer